Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you get with My Property Check?

My Property Check is a consise, easy-to-understand report highlighting ownership, planning and commercial information for the property you search. It also includes an explanatory note of legal property terms commonly used by the Property Registration Authority. You will also recieve a copy of the Land Registry Folio if the property is registered land.

What is the difference between Land Registry and Registry of Deeds property?

The Land Registry deals with registered land only where property ownership deeds (folios) are filed.  The Registry of Deeds system does not record ownership of property but the existence of deeds relating to transactions affecting property such as a mortgage or conveyance. We search both registries on your behalf.

Who is My Property Check for?

My Property Check is for anyone who wants to search property ownership information. Perhaps you are a home owner or you’re buying a property and you want to check the latest, official title information with the Property Registration Authority.  Property searches are also invaluable if you are pursuing a debt and need to quickly determine the debtor’s assets.

How long will it take to get My Property Check?

We guarantee My Property Check to your inbox within 1 hour during business hours (8am – 8pm).

Why get My Property Check?

Have you ever wondered, who owns that property? Now you can quickly find out. Perhaps you want to check that you are still registered as the owner of your home and that there are no charges or burdens affecting your title. Whatever the reason, give us the address and we will do the rest to bring you the most important information about the property you wish to check. 

Will I get a VAT receipt?

The total price you pay for My Property Check is €129.95 inclusive of VAT.  You will receive a VAT receipt with your report.

Where do you search for property information?

Our experienced law searchers search the following public record repositories; the Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, the Property Price Register and the National Planning Application Database for each property searched.